


Stefan Georg Beckerle and Siegfried Göhrisch

Concession pursuant to paragraph §49 PersbefG granted by:

Worms City Administration
Area 3 - Security and order
Folzstrasse 5
67547 Worms
Division 3.06 Road Traffic Affairs.


Höhlchenstr. 32 b
67551 Worms
Tel: 49 178 296 2462 or 49 171 569 8420

Register entry:

HRB 40806; Registered office Worms; District Court Worms

Tax ID:

Tax number: 44/662/0151/4

Supervisory authority:

The State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information Rhineland-Palatinate
PO Box 30 40
55020 Mainz
Phone: 49 (0) 6131 208-2449
Fax: 49 (0) 6131 208-2497

The Hamburg Regional Court (LG) ruled on 12 May 1998 - 312 O 85/98 -decided that not only the content of a website, but also the content oflinked pages. This can only be excluded byone expressly distances oneself from these contents. The provision ofContents of the website on other websites is only possible withwith the express permission of the management. The content on this websiteThe information contained herein is compiled to the best of our knowledge and is carefullyAccuracy Checked. Nevertheless, content and factual errors are not therefore assumes no guarantee or liabilityfor the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information provided.
All information is provided without guarantee. This also applies to all links to other URLs that are onour website.The layout, all graphics and photos as well as the texts are protected by copyright.

The statutory copyright regulations apply.

No changes may be made. The use or electronicProcessing of content of any kind is not permitted without the prior consent of MCMietwagenzentrale GmbH, is not permitted. MC Mietwagenzentrale GmbH reserves the right to make changes and additionsof the information provided.
Furthermore, the URL may be used by anotherProviders have been linked via hyperlink. Should copyrighted images from third parties appear on the have been published, we apologize forthe oversight. Please inform me of this error by email. Allused images on the website arecopyright-free or privately taken. The pictureswere allowed to be used for commercial reuse.
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